Coverage from 2014 featuring the Wyche Innovation Centre and its resident companies.
Key IQ and Malvern Hills District Council 2nd Place in NEF Innovation Awards 2014
The award was given in recognition of the innovative STEM programme being run in Malvern that includes the Raspberry Pi computer jams and the Malvern Festival of Innovation's Next Generation innovators initiative.
London, 4th December 2014
The Digital Era is here, now learn how to protect yourself from the risks
A feature in Sussex Business News featuring D-RisQ who are headquartered at the Centre.
Sussex Business News, November 2014 [read more]
Raspberry Pi Jams at Wyche Innovation Centre, Malvern Case Study
A case study circulated by Herefordshire and Worcestershire STEMNET highlighting the monthly Raspberry Pi computer jams that take place at the Centre.
Case study, 27th November 2014 [read more]
The Rt Hon Francis Maude MP thanks Dr Emma Philpott during speech at Titania Ltd, Worcester
The important roles of the Malvern Cyber Security Cluster and the UK Cyber Security Forum are cited during an address at Titania when they celebrated opening their new facility.
GOV.UK, 20th November 2014 [read more]
Malvern Gazette, 20th November 2014 [read more]
Malvern Festival of Innovation a great success
The 2014 edition of the Malvern Festival of Innovation, organised by Key IQ, had a record attendance with successful business symposia, schools outreach events, formal dinner, and Family Day.
Worcester News, 8th October 2014 [read more]
ADS and UK Cyber Security Forum announce partnership
This new partnership aims to address the real barriers cyber security SMEs face in business development. The UK Cyber Security Forum is managed by Key IQ Ltd from the Centre.
3rd October 2014 [read more]
Festival of Innovation set for return
Nationally acclaimed Malvern Festival of Innovation, organised by Key IQ from the Centre, returns for its third successive year 1st-4th October 2014.
Malvern Observer, 24th September 2014 [read more]
Editorial: Cyber-security whistles for attention
News about the SINET Security Innovation Network conference in London highlighting Key IQ, the Malvern Cyber Security Cluster and the Malvern Festival of Innovation.
Global Government Venturing, 21st September 2014 [read more]
Lifesaving defibrillator is set to be installed at Malvern Hills visitor hotspot
Cafe H2O and the Malvern Hills GeoCentre, based at the Wyche Innovation Centre, is set to be equipped with a lifesaving defibrillator
Worcester News, 16th September 2014 [read more]
Vince Cable announces £4m boost for cyberspace security
News that the Business Secretary has appointed Dr Emma Philpott, Managing Director of cyber and technology catalyst Key IQ, to establish regional networks of small companies working in cyber security.
Worcester News, 16th September 2014 [read more]
SC Magazine, 16th September 2014 [read more]
Business Technology, 16th September 2014 [read more]
The Daily Mail, 16th September 2014 [read more]
AIG offers SME protection against "hacktivists" with new cyber product
AIG has launched a cyber product for SMEs in conjunction with broker Sutcliffe & Co and our resident company IASME Consortium to support the government’s Cyber Essentials Scheme.
Insurance Age, 15th September 2014 [read more]
Beacon accountants heading for the top
Beacon Bookkeepers, based the Centre, have been shortlisted in the British Accountancy Awards 2014 in the accountancy start-up category.
Malvern Gazette, 12th September 2014 [read more]
HP Strengthens UK Public Sector Supply Chain with Affordable Cyber Security Accreditation for SMEs
HP announces how it is ensuring that the IASME cyber security standard can be readily implemented in their supply chain, opening up a market valued at up to £250,000 to the IASME Consortium which will ripple through to a variety of other Worcestershire-based SMEs.
HP, 8th September 2014 [read more]
Cyber security entrepreneurs: balancing secrecy and publicity
Dr Emma Philpott, Managing Director of Key IQ and founder of the Malvern Cyber Security Cluster is quoted in this article by John Murray Brown in the FT.
Financial Times, 6th August 2014 [read more]
First seven SMEs bite on Government's flagship Cyber Essentials Scheme
The first batch of SMEs have been certified under the pilot phase of Government's flagship Cyber Essentials self-assessment programme, according to the IASME consortium.
Computer World UK, 30th June 2014 [read more]
D-RisQ to join Robotics Mission 2014 to California
D-RisQ has been chosen by the Technology Strategy Board, the UK’s innovation agency, to attend the first Robotics and Autonomous Systems Mission from June 23-27 in San Francisco and San Diego.
Malvern Gazette, 12th June 2014 [read more]
IT ProPortal, 30th June 2014 [read more] - a report after the mission featuring D-RisQ.
UK Government publishes Cyber Essentials framework
Backed by government and supported by the wider British industry, the scheme has been put together with help from IASME Consortium, one of two launch accrediting bodies.
TechRadar, 6th June 2014 [read more]
Malvern companies among cyber security winners
D-RisQ, based at the Centre, is one of the Technology Strategy Board's Severn Valley Cyber Launchpad Competition winners, and Key IQ is helping the Board to run the support programme for the initiative.
Malvern Gazette, 29th April 2014 [read more]
What steps should you take to protect your SME from an online attack?
Dr Emma Philpott, CEO of the IASME Consortium that is located at our Centre, particpated in the Guardian's Small Business Network live Q&A session.
Expert from Malvern will attend major cyber security conference
Dr Emma Philpott, founder of the Malvern Cyber Security Cluster, will sit on a panel of industry experts at Coventry University on Friday May 23rd.
Worcester News, 7th April 2014 [read more]
UK Government launches the Cyber Essentials Scheme
With help from our resident company The IASME Consortium Ltd, the UK's Cyber Essentials Scheme has been launched to help SMEs secure their business from cyber crime.
Department for Business, Information & Skills, 7th April 2014 [read more]
Top tips to stop cyber criminals from targeting your small business
SMEs can improve their online security with a few straightforward steps - seven experts offer their advice, one mentioning our resident company The IASME Consortium Ltd.
The Guardian, 11th March 2014 [read more]
New class attracts Malvern's young computer wizzkids
News about the regular Raspberry Pi jams being held up at the Centre in collaboration with Key IQ, Little Pi Shop, STEMNet, and Three Counties CAS.
IASME mentioned in Sunday Times article about cyber security
A feature about web security mentioned resident company IASME as it discussed steps you can take to help secure your business from cyber attack.
The Sunday Times, 16th February 2014 [read more]
Cafe H2O and Jamboree
A feature about the work of Jamboree, a cooperative of adults each with a learning difficulty, and their success with running Cafe H2O in the Wyche Innovation Centre.
All About West of the Hills, Feb/March 2014, p.6 [read more]
Have your say on new revolution map
News about the Technology for Tourism group's 3D Virtual Malvern Hills project. The group is hosted by Key IQ and meets monthly at the Wyche Innovation Centre.
The Malvern Observer, 29th January 2014 [read more]
Malvern Cyber Security Cluster featured in a piece by Peter Day, BBC Business
Peter visited the Centre in December 2013 and references Key IQ's managing director Dr Emma Philpott and her work to found and develop the Malvern Cyber Security Cluster.
BBC Business News: 14th January 2014 [read more]
BBC Radio 4 In Business: 16th January 2014 [read more]